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About Me

Hi! I'm Taylor!

I am an ambitious young woman with a handsome one-year-old son (which alone has my mind running 24/7). On top of that, I am a full-time student and I run my business full time.  Juggling all of that can surely be exhausting, but I know at the end it will all be worth it.   When I was younger I always wanted to be a teacher, and I still do, I love teaching and helping people, it really is my passion.  I know that if I can help at least one person a week I am doing my job. 


 I love seeing people branch out and watching business owners achieve their goals to become successful.  Being a business coach I am often asked, "How do you even start your own business?", and honestly, it is not as easy as it may seem. There is a lot of hard work and dedication that goes into owning your own business.  I want to give the knowledge and success tools I wasn't given when I first started to help other business owners steer in the right direction to own a successful business AND scale it to a large business. I am here to offer you help, support, and knowledge with years of experience. I am here to help give guidance, valuable information, result making training, and so much more!


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